Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Sixteen years, Johnny learned a lot. Sixteen years he has been learning the wrong things. He never has been a real bad kid or anything. Other than being in (gangs and in fights) he’s all right. All his life he wanted to know all the right things and be smart, but that never happened. He wanted to learn something else….
Johnny wanted to learn how to be more (caring, nice, and kind.) His parents never showed him right from wrong. They weren’t good parents.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The outsiders 2

We are different on the outside, but the same on the inside

Johnny died in the hospital while the rest of the Greasers came to see him. Ponyboy and Dally were right there next to his bedside for him. Dally didn't want jonny to die. Ponyboy and Dally were like brothers to Johnny. Johnny had really bad burns on his body from trying to save the little children from the flaming church. Then right there at that moment Johnny died. He died for others. The greasers weren't really family to Johnny but to him they were. His real family wasn't there for him, they really didn't care for him. They always beat him.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

ALL people in my family are considered MY family, But mostly my cousin and her little boy. And my friends i guess i call family too. In the book the outsiders, the Greasers are a big family of friends. The Greasers are mosly there for each other. One will never fight alone. they fight together as a family.